
Tips for Selecting a Preschool Science Curriculum for Your Homeschool

Science is amazing, and it’s all around us. Draw your preschooler into that magic with an engaging preschool science curriculum. Starting science education early on can help foster a child’s natural curiosity and critical thinking skills. 

As home educators, choosing a preschool science curriculum that caters to your child’s interests and developmental needs is important and goes beyond picking a few lessons or activities. It’s about creating a comprehensive learning experience that sparks a love for science in young learners. Let’s explore the elements of an engaging preschool science curriculum and how Homeschool+ can help provide your child with a solid introduction to the wonders of science. 

What Keeps Students Engaged with a Preschool Science Curriculum?

Teaching science to preschoolers can be a fun and exciting experience for children and adults. However, it’s important to remember that preschoolers can have a shorter attention span and learn best through hands-on exploration and discovery. Here are some tips to help keep preschoolers engaged with a science curriculum:

Interactive Activities

A good preschool science curriculum should include hands-on activities that allow children to participate actively in learning. The exercises should be age-appropriate, simple, and easy to do at home with everyday materials. It should also offer visual and interactive resources such as videos, simulations, and online games that can reinforce and enhance the learning experience. Above all, the activities should be fun, exciting, and foster curiosity!

Opportunities for Choice and Independence

Provide opportunities for choice and independence by allowing children to select the topics they want to explore or the activities they wish to complete. This can foster a sense of autonomy and motivation that adds to their positive feelings around homeschooling.

Real-World Connections

A curriculum with real-world connections that help children understand scientific concepts and their relevance in everyday life can be hugely beneficial. In addition, the curriculum should provide opportunities to explore science through field trips, nature walks, and fun projects related to children’s interests.

Collaboration and Social Interaction

Encouraging collaboration and social interaction can engage kids in a preschool science curriculum. This can involve working together on experiments or projects, discussing scientific concepts with peers or family members, or participating in science-related clubs or organizations.

Integration With Other Subjects

A well-rounded preschool science curriculum should integrate science with other subject areas, such as math, literacy, and art. This approach helps reinforce scientific concepts and allows children to apply their newfound knowledge in different contexts.

What Home Educators Should Look for in a Preschool Science Curriculum

When selecting a preschool science curriculum, choose one that fosters a love of learning. Science provides an excellent opportunity for young children to explore and discover the world around them. A well-designed curriculum can help them develop critical thinking skills and a strong foundation in scientific concepts. Home educators should look for some key things when selecting a preschool science curriculum.

Age-Appropriate Content

When selecting a preschool science curriculum, ensure it is age-appropriate and accessible for young children. Choose a curriculum designed for the preschool age group with content and activities aligned with their cognitive, social, and emotional development. Look for clear and concise language, visuals and illustrations, hands-on activities appropriate for fine motor skills, differentiation opportunities, and pacing that allows for review, reinforcement, exploration, and discovery.


Every child has unique interests, strengths, and learning needs, so choose a preschool science curriculum that can be easily customized to meet these needs. Look for a curriculum that offers a variety of lesson plans, activities, and resources that you can tailor to your child’s interests.

Support and Resources for Home Educators

Choose a preschool science curriculum that offers support and resources to help you successfully implement the curriculum in your homeschool. This should include progress tracking and milestones, teacher’s guides, lesson planning tools, assessment materials, and ongoing support from the curriculum provider. These resources can ensure that you feel confident and well-equipped to teach your child science at the preschool level.

What’s Covered in the Homeschool+ Preschool Science Curriculum?

The Homeschool+ Preschool Science Curriculum provides an engaging approach to science education for young learners by exploring a topic they’re often naturally curious about–animals! The lessons are designed to integrate hands-on activities that allow children to explore and discover early scientific concepts independently.

Animals & Habitats I

In the Animal Habitats I course, children learn about the habitats of different animals. What makes flamingos pink? How many ants do anteaters consume? These fun and interactive lessons help spark children’s curiosity. Students will learn about habitats like rainforests, oceans, deserts, and grasslands throughout the course. They will explore the unique characteristics of each habitat and the plants and animals that call them home. 

By the end of the course, students will have had the opportunity to learn about the importance of animal habitats and the interdependence of living things in ecosystems. The Animal Habitats I course provides an introduction to life science for preschoolers and young children and is designed to inspire a love of learning and a sense of wonder about the natural world.

In addition, Homeschool+ lesson plans are customizable and include learning activities and extensions that let home educators choose how deeply they want to investigate subjects. The Homeschool+ Progress Tracker and Lesson Planner tools make it easy to monitor student’s work and plan their daily and weekly goals.