
Homeschool Hands-on Math Activities

Adding hands-on math activities to your homeschool math curriculum can add fun and variety to your children’s learning and further enhance their studies. Math can sometimes feel like an abstract and challenging subject, but it becomes more accessible and engaging when paired with tangible, hands-on tasks. It also provides more opportunities for your children to engage with materials and concepts using all of their senses, which can lead to a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.

The Benefits of Adding Hands-on Math Activities to Your Homeschool

As home educators know, children learn in a variety of ways. Some do well with traditional methods like worksheets and flashcards, but this can limit the ways kids learn and practice. By bringing hands-on activities into your homeschool math curriculum, you provide engaging and entertaining activities that use different parts of the brain. Using a variety of approaches [LINK to Learning styles in Homeschool] helps children find different ways to connect with what they’re learning.  

Child using manipulatives to learn math in a hands on way.

Homeschool hands-on math activities can also be a lot of fun! This is especially important for a subject like math, which can sometimes seem dull to kids. When you add interactive, hands-on elements to your curriculum, children become more engaged, and engaged learners pick up information more quickly and often retain it better.

While you can do a lot of hands-on math activities with everyday items, it’s worth making the investment in a few math manipulatives to use with students. You’ll find endless uses for items like math linking cubes, base ten blocks, and pattern blocks throughout a child’s younger years.

Here are some homeschool hands-on math activities for younger children. These activities can be combined with existing textbooks, worksheets, or online programs to enhance a student’s learning experience.

Preschool and Kindergarten Homeschool Hands-on Math Activities

At this age, students develop number sense and can learn to count up to 100. They recognize that numerals represent a number of objects and understand the concepts of more or less, bigger or smaller, etc … Children can also learn the names of basic shapes and develop the ability to identify and match patterns. Try these hands-on math activities for children ages 3-6 to help build on the early concepts they’re learning:

Colorful shaped blocks with holes in them used for hands on math learning.

1st and 2nd Grade Homeschool Hands-on Math Activities

At this age, children are starting to count with ease, both forward and backward. If you haven’t already, bring in addition, subtraction, and skip counting to prepare them for multiplication. Introduce basic place value, work on telling time and money skills, and build measurement and graphing skills. These hands-on activities can help:

Child counting tokens in their hands for hands on math learning.

3rd and 4th Grade Homeschool Hands-on Math Activities

Now that kids have mastered basic addition and subtraction, they’re ready to add multiplication and division into the mix. It’s also time for more advanced measurement, including volume and mass, and learning about place value. Children can also practice multi-digit arithmetic with larger numbers. Geometry concepts, like perimeter, area, and more advanced shapes (like the rhombus) make an appearance, too. Use some of these hands-on math ideas to support your homeschooling:

Elementary student using a protractor and rulers for hands on math learning.

5th Grade Homeschool Hands-on Math Activities

Children can work on pretty advanced concepts at this age, like fractions and decimals. Try exploring angles, lines, rays, and other geometric terms, as well as coordinate planes, which helps prepare them for algebra and geometry in the years ahead. The following hands-on activities can keep their learning fresh and fun:

Student using fraction blocks for hands on math learning.

Homeschool+ and Hands-on Homeschool Math

My Math Academy® is designed to give children preschool through second grade a thorough grounding in the math skills they need to master. Students participate in a variety of online games and activities, learning math concepts and skills through a mastery-based approach. They receive real-time feedback while learning at a pace that’s comfortable for them. 

Kids use digital manipulatives in My Math Academy and are presented with many real-life scenarios and applications. When you combine the program’s adaptive approach with the hands-on math activities shared above, you can create the potential for increased engagement and understanding with math. 

My Math Academy also includes a unique Progress Tracker that goes beyond task completion and shows you what skills your child has truly mastered, providing you with detailed data on the accomplishments and challenges faced by each child.  

Learn more about the Homeschool+ math curriculum and how it can help support your homeschool.